Sports - September 25, 2019
Chirps like these are typically quotes, but usually spiced up with an insult of some sort. This will be an ongoing dialogue containing our favourite "chirps" we come across at chirp shirt...focusing on mainly the game of ice hockey but also paying homage to other worthy sports related quotes, chirps or insults. If you don't already know this, ice hockey is a fast paced passionately played game with players constantly trying to take their opponents off they're game and that usually means bad language, body language and there is most always a ton of chirping going on out there on the ice! Whether it's players chirping players, coaches chirping refs, fans chirping both (and visa versa)...the great game os hockey is filled with a growing list of non-stop chirping and this site, although offering a variety of teeshirts and other promotional products, will be focused on constantly creating the best chirps into chirp shirts!Would you ike us to design a "Chirp Shirt" after your favourite chirp? No problem! Just email us your ideas at and we'll get right on the bandwagon and make your chirp come to life with a custom chirp shirt!So here's one of our favourites to get the list going!" You've been scratched more times than a lottery ticket"HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! WOOOOO!Go on now...Get Chirpin'Your Chirp Shirt Team!